3 Signs Of Dead Trees That Need Professional Removal Services

Dead trees are a common sight in many yards, but it is important to know when they pose a risk and need to be removed by professional tree services.

Dead or dying trees can cause significant damage to nearby property without warning. For instance, they can topple over onto power lines, cars, or even houses. To ensure your property and family are safe from harm, it is important to be aware of the signs of a dead tree.

Here are three signs that your tree is dead and needs to be removed:


If you notice bark falling off the tree or holes in its trunk, it could signify decay. This can weaken the overall structure of the tree, making it more prone to toppling over and damaging your home or property.

Decay can happen due to pests, disease, and soil depletion. Fungi, such as mushrooms or bracket fungi, can often indicate the presence of decay in a tree. The fungi are attracted to decaying wood; it can also release spores into the air that can cause more harm.

You should contact a professional arborist right away if you notice any of these signs. They will assess the tree and determine if removal is necessary.


Discolored leaves, branches, or bark can signify distress in your trees. While it may not always mean that the tree needs removal, discolored foliage typically indicates that something is wrong with the tree's health.

If the tree's foliage is discolored and does not improve with care or treatment, you should contact a professional to assess its condition. They will tell whether the discoloration is caused by something that can be treated or if removal is necessary.

Leaning Trunk

Trees naturally lean towards the sun as they grow. However, if you see an unnatural angle in the trunk of your tree, it could be a sign that the structure is weakened and prone to toppling over. This is especially true in storms with heavy winds.

Your trees may also lean if the ground around them is uneven. In this case, you should contact a professional service that can properly stabilize the tree and prevent it from falling over. If the leaning is too severe, they may recommend removal as the safest option.

Knowing the signs of a dying tree can help you take action before it falls and causes serious damage. If you notice any of the symptoms discussed in this article, contact a professional tree service right away to assess the condition of your trees. Schedule an inspection today to determine if you need tree removal or another service to ensure its safety. 
